Sunday, October 24, 2010
Memories of Raya...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Bila kita memulakan sesuatu...
Kadang-kadang kita lupa letakkan niat
Kadang-kadang kita lupa baca Bismillah
Sebab tu bila ada masalah,
Kita cepat menyerah...
Bila kita berniat...
Kadang-kadang kita lupa letakkan usaha,
Kadang-kadang kita tunggu disergah baru hendak mengolah,
Sebab tu bila kerja tak menjadi,
Kita mula angkat kaki...
Bila kita berusaha...
Kadang-kadang lupa pula hendak berdoa,
Siang malam kerah tenaga dan masa...
Sebab tu bila kerja masih tak sempurna,
Kita mudah putus asa...
Bila kita berniat, berusaha dan berdoa...
Kadang-kadang kita lupa pula untuk bertawakkal pada Yang Esa.
Bertawakal pun pada bicara tapi di hati masih buta.
Sebab tu bila dilanda masalah,
Kita marah tak tentu hala...
Bila kita berniat, berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakal...
Kadang-kadang kita tetap alpa,
Nak sebut Alhamdulillah pun payah,
Berdoa pun sekali sekala,
Bersyukur sekejap cuma..
Sebab tu bila kita berjaya,
Allah datangkan ujian dan musibah...
Supaya kita ingat dan kembali ke jalan redha,
Tetapi kita kecewa sampai mencari jalan mudah..
Membenci diri memusuhi nadi.
Kita manusia ciptaan Allah,
Bernafas di udara yang sama,
Bila lemah Allah itu ada,
Bila derita Allah itu bersama,
Senang, susah, sedih, gembira...
Allah takkan lupa pada langkah kita.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
(Actual writings from hospital charts)... Hoping CUCMS HOs don’t repeat this. :) I got this from my teaching surgeon Mr. Ahmed Awil who shared this with us students on his facebook! TQ sir :P
1. The patient refused autopsy.
2. The patient has no previous history of suicides.
3. Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital.
4. She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.
5. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.
6. On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared.
7. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.
8 The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993.
9. Discharge status: Alive but without permission.
10. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert but forgetful.
11. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.
12. She is numb from her toes down.
13. While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home.
14. The skin was moist and dry.
15. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches.
16. Patient was alert and unresponsive.
17. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid.
18. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until she got a divorce.
19. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.
20. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation.
21. Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.
22 The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.
23. Skin: somewhat pale but present.
24. The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor.
25. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
- I want to build trust for my customers so that they know a little bit about me (see how important you are.. ;p U made me do this blog).
- There's a research done that found students who blog regularly fare better academically than those who don't blog at all (I've no idea how!)
- I am such a private person (in other word, very secretive). I want to open up and share more with others about my thoughts.
- I consider myself very normal (who doesn't rite?), but I do have some interesting stuff to make you gawk. :P
- I hope to make more friends!
- To sharpen my writing skills (yeah rite..)
- To vent out my feelings. Simply typing something to let the whole world read what's going on in the head works wonders sometimes. (But must make sure it will not hound you back later :P)
- I want to get feedbacks, keep my finger on the pulse and get readers to suggest ideas etc..
- To brag to others that I too have a personal blog now. haha
- To discipline myself. Blogging adds certain amount of discipline to a blogger's life (at least I believe so..) I hope my time-management gets better after this.
- I am an eldest sister who is surviving as a 4th year medical student and passionate about volunteer works, House Md, fashion, food, books, music, art, ninjas (!) and everything Japanese! And at the moment trying my hand at online entrepreneurship/business :) for some extra cash... (Do support me ya folks!).
- I am also somewhat culturally competent :P Besides my own mother tongue, I am able to speak in Japanese/Nippon-go, Korean/Hangul, Mandarin, Arabic and English (duh!) with varying degree of fluency thanks to my school system and my own addiction to watching foreign dramas/movies!
- I came from a very big family. My dad has 15 (!) siblings and my mom has 8. I am the eldest of 6 siblings. So I guess I have a lot to share with you guys about my life! :)
- I said I love everything Japanese right, so yeah, I can't think of a cooler Japanese line than that ;p. It means "My-Own-Blog-Seriously" or "My-Own-Blog-For-Real".
- It shows how much I am surprised with myself having my own blog. Finally.
- Expect me to write and share things that matters in my life e.g. family, medicine, and my various interests.
- I might also share notes here on health, languages (Japanese lesson!), excerpts from interesting reading material and my all-time favourite jokes.
- I am an avid reader/movie goer. Books are like carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature is dumb, science is crippled, and thought is at a standstill! So I may also make book and movie reviews!
- What NOT to expect is for me to update this everyday :P. However, I may (emphasizing the word "may") update this every week or monthly k :)